This is bugging me now. Part of me i am sure is quite happy to have a problem to fix.. at any rate, a quick google netted me the following pieces of advice, in no particular order:
- old4570 says "..The Tx has no reversing , so you will need to flip the Steering servo.."
- SOUL FORCE QUADS offered "..I'm just guessing here...) WITH CAR & TRANSMITTER TURNED OFF - Press & hold the "mode" button on the transmitter... then turn on transmitter and release mode button. Power on car, turn wheel to see what happens. Repeat up to 4 times if necessary... Good luck!!!
- Some reviews on a replacement steering servo on bangood, warning "..Compared to original WlToys 12428 - this one is inverted! Designed good, works great but I had to replace 2 wires in remote to get it working correct (my RX doesn't have inversion button)..."
So I put the remote back together and tested it functions as normal, ok, i didn't make it any worse :) Then tested the 2nd option, but no go, even tried an extra time! So now I'll read up on "flipping steering servo".
- Someone else said i should by a servo reversing cable..
- Others have suggested re-soldering the servo connections internally.
PS: We bought two of these cars, the second one didn't have the same issue.. I had to check it several times to be sure i wasn't going insane.. weird.