Thursday, May 14, 2015

Easy blog code formatting codeformatter

 $ sestatus  
 SELinux status:         enabled  
 SELinuxfs mount:        /selinux  
 Current mode:          enforcing  
 Mode from config file:     enforcing  
 Policy version:         24  
 Policy from config file:    targeted  

To get code looking like this ^^^;

  1. visit
  2. paste in your source code
  3. copy out the html
  4. switch your blog to html input
  5. paste in the html block
  6. switch back to compose or preview etc.
Thankyou codeformatter!

X forwarding firefox in OSX yosemite

 hoolio@macbook:~$ ssh -Y server  
 Warning: No xauth data; using fake authentication data for X11 forwarding.  
 Last login: Thu May 14 11:03:26 2015 from xxx  
 $ firefox &;  
 [1] 18949  
 $ connect localhost port 6000: Connection refused  
 connect localhost port 6000: Connection refused  
 connect localhost port 6000: Connection refused  
 Error: cannot open display: localhost:0.1  
 [1]+ Exit 1         firefox  

Apparently X is no longer a part of OSX, and you have to install xquartz to get x forwarding again.

 hoolio@macbook:~$ ssh -Y server  
 /opt/X11/bin/xauth: file /Users/hoolio/.Xauthority does not exist  
                                  Last login: Thu May 14 11:39:05 2015 from xxx
 $ firefox &  
 [1] 20620  
  Custom widget with id loop-button does not return a valid node  
  Custom widget with id loop-button does not return a valid node  
 SystemMessageCache: init  

and up pops a firefox window, hooray :)  now it's just working out why its .. so.. slooow....

EDIT: i discovered it's to do with the ssh encryption type.  try this;

 hoolio@macbook:~$ ssh -Y -C -o CompressionLevel=9 -c arcfour,blowfish-cbc server firefox -no-remote  

and DON'T do it over wifi; the double encryption plus inherent X latency make it terribly slow.