Dig. The link between the music i love, and the wide wide world of amazing.
They play awesome songs and i love it, and part of that awesome is the total absence of DJ's rabbiting on all day about
. A side effect however is that there is nobody to mention who just played that awesome song you just heard. Enter the ABC dig music now playing list. There are lots of ways to get it;
- Straight off their homepage ;) http://abcdigmusic.net.au/
- From their mobile app
- From the @ABCDigMusicNow twitter feed
- Or from any number of tools which parse http://abcdigmusic.net.au/player-data.php
But I couldn't find a command line tool to do the job,
so i wrote one in python. It's pretty basic, and looks like this;
$ ./abc-dig-music.py
Now: 'When A Woman Loves A Man' by Paul Kelly from 'Spring And Fall' (2012) on Univeral Music
Was: 'You Come Through' by PJ Harvey from 'Uh Huh Her' (2004) on Island/UMA
But I can't claim much of it is my own work, I'm just capitalizing on the good work already done by Ian Wienand in his
Dig Jazz Applet. But like all awesome people, he GPLd his code :) thanks mate.