Saturday, April 29, 2006

" must be a light unto yourself. not the light of some professor, or an anylist, or a psychologist, or the light of jesus christ, or of buddah. you must be a light unto yourself, in a world that is utterly becoming dark..." -jiddu krishnamurti

For me, Buddah has some useful things to say, so did JC, so does my mum, and so does the body of experience we have inherited from all forms of endevour, including that of life itself. I can't say that any of them are ultimatley correct, or incorrect; I won't put one before the other, or me before another. In fact i can't say anything about them at all really. They only exist in my mind, and only then when i think about it.

Friday, April 28, 2006

Mere I

I live such as billions have done before me, I will give rise to life like they did, and will die in some manner or another, just like them. Meanwhile I will witness many things, think many things, realize many things, stake many claims, feel all manner of bodily sensations, hurt and kill in the name of something or another; all these and more will be my contribution to life, and then I too will die. This is not a position of futility, it's just that all things come and go.

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

If the wind blows a tree over and the tree lands on an ant, the ant will die. This is not right or wrong. This is of no-thing. And so if you cause the tree to fall, not concieving either yourself, the tree, or the ant, life or death, you are like the wind. This is not right or wrong. This is of no-thing.

But if you push the tree over, concieving of yourself first and knowing that ant will die, you have murdered the ant. If you know you are causing suffering, then don't. It's very simple.

Thursday, April 06, 2006

I seek wisdom to remember how to be a plant.

I seek wisdom to remember how to be a plant.

I don't for a moment assume you understand, do not understand, or have or have not considered these things before. Please allow me to explain myself.

We humans are endowed with a large brain. It gives us the capacity to realise untold happiness and cause endless misery. To which end we serve is our own choice in each moment. We believe in some thing existing, and then we believe in the existance of it's opposite also. Good. Bad. True. Untrue. Up. Down. Fast. Slow. We define these things quite clearly and these conceptions create our individual versions of reality. When my version is different from someone elses, there is conflict. This much is easy.

Rational thinking is a tool just like anything else, and it serves a purpose. It has created the wheel and space ships and icy poles. Many people believe science and emprical thought can bring us salvation through the understanding of our environment and that doing so gives us "progress". It certainly gives the illusion of some advancement, but I'm not sure to what end. I assert that it's dangerous to assume that rational thinking can serve all purposes, and that it's dangerous to assume that all things are systematically created such that systematic dissection by logic will distill some "truth".

To consider something, also consider that it equally isn't. A leaf is only a leaf for those precious moments in which its form is that which we commonly refer to as a "leaf". The soil which produced the leaf is no more or less leaf than the leaf itself, indeed the soil IS leaves, just as the leaves ARE soil. This at least can be scientifically prooven. So it is a leaf as it is also not a leaf. Then consider that it's both these distinctions at the same time. Do it now. Ok? Now consider that that there is no difference between these two distinctions. Wow. If you can do this, you can attain the true nature of the leaf. If you can attain the true nature of the leaf, you can attain true nature of all things. That is, that there can be no distinctions.

This world only exists because of our conception. Ultimate truth is emptiness, and it has no opposite. It cannot be attained using a rational mode of thinking. To assume that our vague approximations of scientific truth somehow allude to ultimate truth is a fallacy we inherit from society at large. I like many before me refute this inheritance.

I speak to you rationally because we understand rational thinking. But I assert we don't need rational thinking in order to understand. So use it wiseley.

I am my vegetable patch. I simply seek wisdom to remember this.